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The Relationship Between Physical Illness and Mental Illness

Health is a condition of physical, mental and emotional well-being where infirmity and illness are absent. A person’s health is affected by his diet, lifestyle, work and environment. It is an important factor in one’s life as it determines the quality of life. A healthy lifestyle includes a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, quit smoking and of course, a proper way of managing stress. These factors reduce the risk of diseases and improve your general health. The basic tenet of health is to live a lifestyle that is healthy and bring up your children to follow the same.

Mental health is also related to physical health. As mentioned above, it is the foundation of all other aspects of mental health. In fact, the mental health professionals refer to this as the “hinge point” for all the other domains. Mental health has many shades and variations and includes but is not limited to major psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Major mental health concerns include attention deficit disorder (ADD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The differences between physical health and mental health are many. One example is that ADD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is associated with hyperactivity, distractibility, impulsiveness and impulsivity. On the other hand, there are some common features of other mental health conditions. Depression is associated with the feelings of hopelessness, sadness, anxiety, and stress and is characterized by the changes in sleeping and eating patterns. Anxiety is a common problem for people of all ages, but it is more common in women than men and is characterized by a persistent fear of impending doom.

Both physical well-being and mental health conditions have their own advantages and disadvantages and should be treated comprehensively and appropriately by professionals. It is important for all of us to lead a healthy life and lead a happy life as they are interrelated. When one falls ill, we also fall ill and take a loss in our productivity means loss in earning capacity and this leads to financial loss.

Some experts argue that physical well-being has become neglected in most developed countries. This is a big problem as physical well-being has been associated with good health. Many experts argue that the reasons for this trend are rooted in cultural practices that do not promote good health. It is believed that these practices are the result of ignorance, rather than values. In developed countries, there is less interest in physical fitness and people engage in sedentary lifestyle, which results in poor health.

Psychological disorders are associated with many health problems like anxiety and depression. There are some research studies that suggest that those who suffer from a long-term negative social history may be at a greater risk of developing an anxiety or depressive disorder. These studies have been underway for some time now. It is believed that social environment can also lead to a variety of mental disorders. For example, a neighbourhood that is unsafe and less populated may result in more mental illness as people living in these areas do not get adequate social interaction and exposure to the outside world.

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