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Body Composition Basics For Fitness

Fitness has been called the key to weight loss and maintenance. Physical fitness is the state of being fit and healthy and, more specifically, your ability to do various parts of daily tasks, jobs and sports. Physical fitness is usually achieved through adequate sleep, proper nutrition and, of course, physical activity.

A proper fitness program is necessary for an individual to reach and maintain long-term physical health. This involves not only proper diet and nutrition but also regular exercise. You may think that you are not interested in fitness, that you just want to sit around all day or maybe you have a hard time getting out of bed. That is simply not true! Your life will benefit if you set some short-term and long-term fitness goals and strive to achieve these goals every day.

Short-term fitness goals are easy to accomplish. For instance, you can get in shape by doing light aerobics such as walking or even jogging around the block a few times each week. Aerobic exercise is an important factor in maintaining physical fitness since it increases the amount of oxygen and blood that is flowing in your muscles and joints which promote a healthy metabolism and better stamina. Even if you have never done aerobics before, you can still increase your fitness level by doing some simple aerobic exercises in the privacy of your own home.

Longer-term goals for fitness involve strength training, weight lifting and core exercises. Core exercises include such things as crunches and lunges because they help to build up your abs, your back and your abdominals. They also strengthen your muscles in your hips, chest and lower back. Strong core muscles are essential for good posture and stability. Health professionals agree that muscle strength and flexibility are much more important to your long-term fitness goals than the size of your arms or your physique. When you have strong muscles in your core, you are less likely to have issues with your back or other common musculoskeletal ailments.

Weightlifting is also an important component of fitness. It helps to strengthen your muscles, especially your back, and it helps to improve your overall fitness. Strength training reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and helps to improve bone density. Weightlifting also helps you lose weight. If you combine strength training with cardiovascular exercise, you can greatly improve your chances of increasing your total fitness level.

Overall health is achieved when all of the components of your lifestyle – your diet, your sleep and your exercise routine – are in balance. If you do all of these things, you will be less likely to develop medical conditions that can be a distraction to your quality of life. When it comes to fitness, keeping your body composition in balance is very important. If you have an unhealthy body composition, you will be much more likely to develop various health problems – some of which can be debilitating and prevent you from living life to the fullest.

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