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The Role of Public Health

Health is a condition of emotional, physical and mental well-being where infirmity and disease are absent. The absence of disease or infirmity does not necessarily imply that the person is healthy. The concept of health is relative, it depends on the situation and the definition of what is unhealthy for one person is not necessarily the same as another person in the same situation. A healthy life is defined by factors such as having strong relationships with family and friends, exercising regularly, maintaining a positive image, and most importantly being able to accept and appreciate one self.

In order to achieve this, one has to be able to perceive their own health through self-examination. One’s perception of their physical health can be influenced by the environment they live in, the types of food they eat, the level of stress they encounter, and the opinions of other people they know. Mental health on the other hand is usually achieved through counseling, therapy and psychotherapy. It is essential that a person accepts themselves just the way they are. Acceptance is one of the foundations of strong human health.

Another important factor in achieving good health is physical exercise. Human beings were meant to move. Moving helps to maintain good health and psychological balance. One should always choose exercises that match their lifestyle. For instance, those who lead very busy lives and are involved in sports may find it difficult to engage in exercises like yoga that requires one to remain still and focused.

Mental health issues include mood disorders, anxiety, depression, and stress. These mental health issues have a direct impact on your well-being and can lead to various physical problems as well. You should learn how to deal with these health issues to improve your quality of life. Counseling is very important as it can help you deal with such issues in a more productive manner. Some of the conditions that can be related to mental health include obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, post-psychotic depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, eating disorders and several others.

There is also a difference between mental health and physical illness. A physical illness will affect your body physically and will need medical attention. Mental illnesses on the other hand are usually more related to stress, chemical imbalance or toxicity. They can cause a serious impact on your life and cause you to feel helpless.

Public health is concerned with the improvement of health. This involves identification of population trends, monitoring the changes in the environment and general health of the community as a whole, designing interventions to prevent diseases and treat them as soon as they occur. It also involves the design and development of public policies to address all health problems and to ensure the prevention of new diseases. There are various aspects of public health science that include epidemiology, research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all types of diseases.

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