Types of Love

There are many types of love. While some are permanent, others are fleeting. Some are biologically programmed, while others are culturally indoctrinated. The definition of love varies from person to person, and is complex, making it difficult to pin down precisely. Fortunately, it’s most likely that the feelings that are felt are based on biological…

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History of the Ball

A ball is any round or protuberant object. It is the most common object in games and sports. Some examples include soccer, ping pong, tennis, and four-square. This article explores some of the history of the term. For more information, see the Wikipedia article on ball. The word ball comes from the Latin word bolus,…

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What Is a Ball?

What Is a Ball? The ball is an object that is round and often bouncy. It is an essential part of several sports and games. From soccer to ping-pong, these objects are essential to these activities. Some cultures have been playing with balls for thousands of years, and even some of the earliest known drawings…

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The Many Uses of a Ball

The round, hard object called a ball has many different uses. People often associate it with games that follow a similar ball state, but there are other, simpler activities that can be performed with a simple ball. Read on to learn more about the uses of the common round object! (In case you’re wondering what…

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