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Middle English Diets: What Is A Typical One?

In current scientific studies, it is now agreed upon that diet and weight loss go hand in hand. It has been scientifically proven that when an individual is on a strict diet of only one type of food, their metabolism is affected drastically. When an individual , they are not burning off fat, but retaining the energy which they will need to power up the metabolism for the next meal. For this reason, many people are under the impression that there is no correlation between diet and weight loss.

Although there may be many different types of diets available today, the diet that we recommend to our clients is the paleo diet. The paleo diet involves consumption of meat, fish, and certain fruits and vegetables, as well as a decrease or completely eliminating refined sugar and all processed foods from your diet. This diet was developed over 40 years ago by a nutritionist, Dr. John Davenport, based upon the fact that there were far too many people consuming a high amount of calories and fat per day. In his book, “The Paleo Diet Solution”, he outlines many of the health benefits and how he formulated his diet. Below is some information relating to the paleo diet and what it can do for you:

An adjective that describes the diet is ‘nutritional’. In current scientific studies, this diet has been thoroughly researched and considered to be the healthiest diet on the planet. It has also been determined to lower your cholesterol level, reduce your risk for heart disease, colon cancer, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even help regulate your hormones. By eating foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and omega-3 fatty acids, you can be assured that you are receiving all the nutrients you need and avoiding or at least minimizing the amount of unhealthy fats and sugars that you are consuming.

An adjective that describes dieting is ‘dieting’! This type of diet was first introduced in the middle thirteen hundreds by Thomas Seymore, who used the term dieting in his book “Dieting”, published in 1819. In today’s meaning, dieting means to maintain a steady and controlled intake of food and drinks to maintain a healthy body weight.

An adjective that describes a certain type of diet is “a very fixed and rigid regimen, consisting of fixed meals, and other dietary restrictions.” The most common type of diets in the middle English diet are meat-free diets. Meat was a major part of the English diet. So, one of the major focuses of the meat-free diet was to limit the amount of meat that an individual could consume. The meat-free English diet was also called the British diet until around the mid-nineteenth century when it was brought about by the Industrial Revolution.

An adjective that describes a certain type of diet is “intelligent and sensible.” This type of diet was also popularized by the Latin diaeta entry 1. This Latin word translated to “diet” and then “singular”. Today, the Latin diaeta entry 1 diet means a set of eating guidelines, which must be adhered to, in order to keep off weight. A person who follows the Latin diaeta entry 1 regimen may appear foolish, but people who were foolish at one time or another can look at these people as role models.

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