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Is It Really the Same Thing As Love?

People are often asked what they truly feel when they love someone. This may be a difficult question to answer for some people because everyone experiences love differently. It all depends on how the individual perceives love to be, as well as what their relationships with other individuals are like.

The concept of love includes an array of complex emotions that occur within the body, mind, and spirit. Love is actually a group of emotions and behaviors defined by intense intimacy, emotional passion, devotion, care, loyalty, attraction, affiliation, and trust. It typically includes a number of positive physical sensations, such as euphoria, excitement, well-being, happiness, vitality, and joy, but it can also potentially develop into negative emotions as well. These negative feelings, however, are usually tied to either past hurts (either personally or professionally), negative memories, or unrealistic expectations. Conversely, love can involve an assortment of feelings as well, including appreciation, concern, compassion, tenderness, approval, adoration, patience, sharing, and joy. While all of these components make up love, some individuals experience more feelings of love than others.

When people experience love, they have a heightened sense of satisfaction and connection with another person. In addition, these individuals generally view that relationship as being of a higher value and anticipate greater levels of happiness and fulfillment as well. Generally, when a relationship is in its strongest state, it tends to leave a deeper impression on another person than one who is not experiencing this kind of intense relationship. Those who do not regularly engage in a passionate, intimate relationship tend to have a more “dusty” feeling memory of a relationship and, therefore, are less likely to be as emotionally connected as those who do.

The strong emotional connection that a person develops during a relationship can lead to significant changes in those same feelings. The chemistry between two people is often dependent on the chemistry between those people. People who love frequently tend to be attracted to one another. The chemistry between a couple often influences their willingness to open up and share personal experiences with one another, which could lead to a more meaningful relationship. This type of closeness often results in stronger bonds of friendship. It also makes for stronger, more committed relationships that have a higher potential for love.

Love is a very natural and powerful emotion. It is often the greatest motivator for many of us to want to create long-lasting positive relationships. However, for others, love can be one of the most difficult emotions to effectively manage. In addition, those with the strongest feelings for a partner may sometimes put too much energy into a relationship and get trapped in what some refer to as the “queasy stage”. This uncomfortable feeling of being stuck in an unfamiliar relationship can often be the impetus for a rebound relationship.

Lust and love are similar, though they are not the same. While both involve the body, they are very different. While lust involves longing for a specific person, love is more of a general longing for a special person or thing. While both emotions can be powerful and addictive, it is important that you work at both lust and love in your relationships. They are two separate feelings, so you can’t addict yourself to either.

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