How to Express Your Five Love Languages


How to Express Your Five Love Languages

“Love is full of conflict, yet love is not” – Richard R. Powell. Love encompasses a wide range of positive and negative emotional and psychological states, from the highest spiritual virtue or religious devotion, to the easiest personal pleasure, to the ugliest fight. It’s important for all of us to recognize that we must cultivate love throughout our lives if we are to find a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Most people live in an atmosphere where love is hard to feel, to receive, and to let develop into a natural expression. The truth is that feelings for our partners are difficult to cultivate, especially when our own needs are frequently put before the needs of our partners. Yet when love is in its fullest form, it is simply divine. Here are the five love languages.

Physical proximity is often the first love language you encounter and it is often easy to mistake the intentions of another for your own. As children we are told to reach out and touch our parents with love; we are taught that love means prodding and coaxing for affection, caressing and kissing our siblings. However, if you ve found true love in your relationship, you can tell the difference between wanting to be near and reaching out to reach out. A partner who wants to be a part of your life but only minimally connected to you can feel like they ve found true love; someone who feels connected to you on a deep level but only wants to spend time with you on occasion may find their connection more fleeting.

Touch Not just physical touch love language, but the desire to connect via the exchange of one’s love. When two partners exchange their love during the course of a day, week or season it is this exchange which is considered a loving gesture. When it comes to physical touching it is important to remember that love comes in many different forms and not every moment will be right for your physical connection. It is important to think about your partner’s reaction when you touch them and how long it takes before they become aroused or if they are able to physically feel your touch.

Intimacy is often the final love language you find true love in. This is usually where most relationships begin to stray, as two people begin to separate and become closer. Intimacy can mean different things to different people; however, if you feel that closeness and connection to your partner, it would be a good sign that you have found true love. Physical closeness can be a great indicator of emotional bond, however if you and your partner do not maintain an intimate relationship, you will need to pursue other aspects of your relationship to determine if you have found true love.

Receiving Gifts The fifth love language is receiving gifts. When two people receive the same gift from a loved one, it can be very meaningful and heart warming. However, if you two are not on the same page when it comes to receiving gifts, it can also cause disharmony between the two of you. If your partner does not feel loved, then it is important to make sure that you give them the attention they need and want. If you two are on the same page with receiving gifts, it can be a very easy way to create an emotional connection with your partner.